13 research outputs found

    Remarks on separating words

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    The separating words problem asks for the size of the smallest DFA needed to distinguish between two words of length <= n (by accepting one and rejecting the other). In this paper we survey what is known and unknown about the problem, consider some variations, and prove several new results

    Using Sat solvers for synchronization issues in partial deterministic automata

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    We approach the task of computing a carefully synchronizing word of minimum length for a given partial deterministic automaton, encoding the problem as an instance of SAT and invoking a SAT solver. Our experimental results demonstrate that this approach gives satisfactory results for automata with up to 100 states even if very modest computational resources are used.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    An equimorphic diversity case

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    AbstractB.M. Schein has proved that in the semigroup variety NB=Mod(x2=x,xuvy=xvuy) of normal bands one can find at most four pairwise non-isomorphic semigroups with isomorphic monoids of endomorphisms. We prove here the same result for the extension semigroup variety NB˜=Mod(x2y=xy,xuvy=xvuy) of NB, properly separated from NB only by the variety of inflations of the NB-semigroups

    Towards parametrizing word equations

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    Classically, in order to resolve an equation u ≈ v over a free monoid X*, we reduce it by a suitable family F\cal F of substitutions to a family of equations uf ≈ vf, fFf\in\cal F, each involving less variables than u ≈ v, and then combine solutions of uf ≈ vf into solutions of u ≈ v. The problem is to get F\cal F in a handy parametrized form. The method we propose consists in parametrizing the path traces in the so called graph of prime equations associated to u ≈ v. We carry out such a parametrization in the case the prime equations in the graph involve at most three variables

    Looking for pairs that hard to separate: a quantum approach

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    Determining the minimum number of states required by a deterministic finite automaton to separate a given pair of different words (to accept one word and to reject the other) is an important challenge. In this paper, we ask the same question for quantum finite automata (QFAs). We classify such pairs as easy and hard ones. We show that 2-state QFAs with real amplitudes can separate any easy pair with zero-error but cannot separate some hard pairs even in nondeterministic accepta